
Air Particulate Monitoring

As scientific researches show, there is a strong association between particulate emissions in the air and human health conditions. In addition, in order to meet industry’s regulations requirements like ISO 14698 or ISO 14644, environmental effects of the products should be considered.

As scientific researches show, there is a strong association between particulate emissions in the air and human health conditions. In addition, in order to meet industry’s regulations requirements like ISO 14698 or ISO 14644, environmental effects of the products should be considered. Felix Technology provides a wide variety of instruments which can be used for air particulate monitoring and dust monitoring.
Various technologies in air pollution monitoring instruments are being used including measurement of light scatter and Beta ray attenuation. High reliability and low cost of Felix’s air pollution monitoring solutions make them one of the best choices in the market.

Air particulate monitoring equipment by Felix technology can be used for air particule monitoring and dust monitoring.


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