The H2S analyzer provides a dependable, accurate and convenient method of measuring hydrogen sulfide in levels commonly required for Ambient Air monitoring, offering ranges from 0-50 ppb to 0-10 ppm. The analyzers convert sulfur gases to sulfur dioxide and measure concentrations using fluorescence technology.
The analyzer is equipped with an internally mounted low temperature converter which converts H2S at a closely controlled temperature setting of 315 °C, leaving other gases unaffected. TRS components (typically, H2S, methyl mercaptan, dimethyldisulfide and methyl-disulfide) are all converted to SO2 at this temperature, with efficiency greater than 98%.
Sample gas drawn into the analyzer first passes through a scrubber which removes all traces of sulfur dioxide. The converter then converts the components of interest to SO2. The resulting concentration for SO2 is then measured by fluorescence.
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