
TRS Analyzer

TRS provide a dependable, accurate and convenient method of measuring hydrogen sulfide or Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) in levels commonly required for Ambient Air monitoring, offering ranges from 0-50 ppb to 0-10 ppm. Both analyzers convert sulfur gases to sulfur dioxide and measure concentrations using fluorescence technology.

TRS provide a dependable, accurate and convenient method of measuring hydrogen sulfide or Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) in levels commonly required for Ambient Air monitoring, offering ranges from 0-50 ppb to 0-10 ppm. Both analyzers convert sulfur gases to sulfur dioxide and measure concentrations using fluorescence technology.
The analyzer uses a high temperature converter, mounted externally to the analyzer, and operates at a temperature of 850°C. TRS components (typically, H2S, methyl mercaptan, dimethyldisulfide and methyl-disulfide) are all converted to SO2 at this temperature, with efficiency greater than 98%.
Sample gas drawn into the analyzer first passes through a scrubber which removes all traces of sulfur dioxide. The converter then converts the components of interest to SO2.

Felix TRS Analyzer


  • 0-50 ppb to 10 ppm (102E) ranges

  • Microprocessor controlled for versatility

  • Auto ranging, dual range and remote range selection

  • Bi-directional RS232 allows remote reading or operation

  • Digital status outputs provide instrument condition

  • Auto Zero System

  • Adaptive signal filtering optimizes response time

  • Temperature & pressure compensation


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